Monday 28 January 2008

I have returned!

I haven't updated this blog for a hell of a long time. My wife became seriously ill for a time and it turned things upside-down for a while.

You have to prioritize and unfortunately, this blog comes far behind some of my other commitments, and I think it shall remain so.

However, the missus has taken an interest and is encouraging me to write something on fashion... so who knows?
As a result of her illness she was required to go on a special low far diet, which means the whole family went on it. I have lost about a stone, but I could afford to lose some more around the waist. Apparently, if you do as I do, and only eat once per day, your body stores fat. This leads to you being slim but with a big belly, so as of today, I'm having a snack at breakfast time, lunch and in the afternoon. Maybe eating more will help me lose weight!
If it works I'll consent to allowing her to use me as a model. Yes I know, vanity is creeping into this blog - but I'm sure nobody wants to see my beer belly (not that I drink beer), and in the absence of somebody more attractive to model the cloths, I should put on the best show I can. After all, self-improvement is part of what this blog is all about.

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